Arts Alive 2023
The City of Johannesburg through, its Arts, Culture, and Heritage department is tasked with the development and promotion of Arts, Culture, and Heritage within the City of Johannesburg. To execute this mandate, the City continues to form synergies with the Joburg City Theatres (JCT) that will enable it to reach its mandate in the most productive, economic, and inclusive way.
The city has over the years and through JCT collaborated with sector-based initiatives that are aligned with the Arts, Culture and Heritage’s objectives The collaborations with the sector have been great in two ways in the main, firstly because it prevents the duplication of efforts, secondly, it also maximizes the impact on the Creative Industries and its practitioners across the value chains.
The JCT is making a call for organisations in the arts fraternity who have existing programmes with a proven track record of running arts, culture, and Heritage programmes for at least a minimum period of three years to submit proposals that can be incorporated into the 2023 Arts Alive International Festival.

- Arts and Culture programmes and or initiatives that will take place from October until December 2023
- Programmes and initiatives that align with the mandate of Arts, Culture, and Heritage Directorate
- Programmes and initiatives along a broad range of creative disciplines that promote access to market platforms and training and these include:
- Music: All forms of music excluding Jazz
- Dance: All forms of dance excluding Contemporary
- Poetry: Spoken word aligned to the theme
- Theatre: Preferably 2 handers and 4-handers aligned to the theme
- Film: Market Access workshops, Capacity Building, and Film Screenings
- Visual Art & Craft: Exhibitions, Market Access, and Capacity Building Workshops
- Programmes and initiatives that can demonstrate that they are in a position to source additional funding for the program to be a success.
- Programmes that will have an impact on skills development, job creation, and SMME development particularly for designated groups such as women, youth, and people with disabilities.
- Preference will be given to initiatives that can clearly demonstrate how their program aligns to the Arts Alive International Festival theme titled “Arts Alive 2023 Re imagined” through the use of programmes that speak to digital music, digital art, immersive media (AR, VR and interconnected reality), and animation
The City of Johannesburg and Joburg City Theatres reserve the right to select or decline any initiative based on the strength of the proposal.
Application Form
Closing Date: 04 September 2023